Often we use views and protected flex fields in a BPM project. These are one of those few artifacts that resides outside of your main source code (BPM Application and BPM project in your jdeveloper). During development the BPM developers login to bpm workspace running on their local bpm runtime (most cases a local compact bpm domain or bpm domain on integrated weblogic ).
So the question is, how we promote these configuration to another environment. Certainly manually making the same changes in the each of the higher environment is erroneous and thus ruled out. The suggested option is to export the configuration from local environment into XML files, store it in the source control system and deploy through script to other environment. the step are illustrated as below -
Flex fields and Views
Login to the server from
which you want to export.
> cd
> set ANT_HOME=<Your
> set
Flex fields
ant -v -f
ant-t2p-worklist.xml -Dbea.home={ MW_HOME } -Dsoa.home={ MW_HOME/soa }
-Dsoa.hostname={hostname} -Dsoa.rmi.port={port} -Dsoa.admin.user={admin user
name}-Dsoa.admin.password={admin password} -Drealm=jazn.com -Dmigration.file={full
path with filename to store generated flex_data.xml}
-Dmap.file=={full path with filename to
store generated flex_data_map.xml } -DoperationType=EXPORT
-DobjectType=TASK_PAYLOAD_FLEX_FIELD_MAPPING -Dname=ALL -Duser={bpm admin user}
Parameters -
-Dsoa.hostname=Server ip/name
-Dsoa.rmi.port=Server port
-Dsoa.admin.user=admin user
user p
-Dmigration.file=file in
which the data will be exported
-Dmap.file=File in which mapping data will be exported
Example -
ant -v -f ant-t2p-worklist.xml
-Dsoa.home=C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/soa -Dsoa.hostname=localhost
-Dsoa.rmi.port=7001 -Dsoa.admin.user=weblogic -Dsoa.admin.password=password1$
-Drealm=jazn.com -Dmigration.file=C:/workspace/ViewMigration/data/flex_data.xml
-Duser=weblogic -DgrantPermission=true
export Views
ant -v -f
ant-t2p-worklist.xml -Dbea.home={ MW_HOME } -Dsoa.home={ MW_HOME/soa }
-Dsoa.hostname={hostname} -Dsoa.rmi.port={port} -Dsoa.admin.user={admin user
name}-Dsoa.admin.password={admin password} -Drealm=jazn.com -Dmigration.file={full
path with filename to store generated view_data.xml}
-Dmap.file=={full path with filename to
store generated view_data_map.xml } -DoperationType=EXPORT -DobjectType= VIEW
-Dname=ALL -Duser={bpm admin user} -DgrantPermission=true -DmigrateAttributeLabel=true
Parameters -
Most of the parameters
remains same as Export Flex Fields
Example –
ant -f ant-t2p-worklist.xml
-Dbea.home=C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home -Dsoa.home=C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/soa
-Dsoa.hostname=localhost -Dsoa.rmi.port=7001 -Dsoa.admin.user=weblogic
-Dsoa.admin.password=password1$ -Drealm=jazn.com
-DoperationType=EXPORT -DobjectType=VIEW -Dname=ALL -Duser=weblogic
Flex fields and Views
Login to the server in which
you want to import.
> cd
> set ANT_HOME=<Your Path>\apache-ant-1.10.1
> set
Flex fields
ant -v -f
ant-t2p-worklist.xml -Dbea.home={ MW_HOME } -Dsoa.home={ MW_HOME/soa }
-Dsoa.hostname={hostname} -Dsoa.rmi.port={port} -Dsoa.admin.user={admin user
name}-Dsoa.admin.password={admin password} -Drealm=jazn.com -Dmigration.file={full
path with filename of flex_data.xml}
-Dmap.file=={full path with filename of flex_data_map.xml } -DoperationType=IMPORT
-DobjectType=TASK_PAYLOAD_FLEX_FIELD_MAPPING -Dname=ALL -Duser={bpm admin user}
Parameters -
-Dsoa.hostname=Server ip/name
-Dsoa.rmi.port=Server port
-Dsoa.admin.user=admin user
user p
-Dmigration.file=file from which
data will be imported
-Dmap.file=File from which mapping data will be imported
Example –
ant -v -f
ant-t2p-worklist.xml -Dbea.home=C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home
-Dsoa.home=C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/soa -Dsoa.hostname=localhost
-Dsoa.rmi.port=9001 -Dsoa.admin.user=weblogic -Dsoa.admin.password=password1$
-Drealm=jazn.com -Dmigration.file=C:/workspace/ViewMigration/data/flex_data.xml
-Dmap.file=C:/workspace/ViewMigration/data/flex_data_map.xml -DoperationType=IMPORT -DobjectType=TASK_PAYLOAD_FLEX_FIELD_MAPPING
-Dname=ALL -Duser=weblogic -DgrantPermission=true -DmigrateAttributeLabel=true
ant -v -f
ant-t2p-worklist.xml -Dbea.home={ MW_HOME } -Dsoa.home={ MW_HOME/soa } -Dsoa.hostname={hostname}
-Dsoa.rmi.port={port} -Dsoa.admin.user={admin user name}-Dsoa.admin.password={admin
password} -Drealm=jazn.com -Dmigration.file={full path with filename of view_data.xml} -Dmap.file=={full path with
filename of view_data_map..xml } -DoperationType=IMPORT
-DobjectType= VIEW -Dname=ALL -Duser={bpm admin user}
Parameters -
Most of the parameters
remains same as above except
ant -f ant-t2p-worklist.xml
-Dsoa.home=C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/soa -Dsoa.hostname=localhost
-Dsoa.rmi.port=9001 -Dsoa.admin.user=weblogic -Dsoa.admin.password=password1$
-Drealm=jazn.com -Dmigration.file=C:/workspace/ViewMigration/data/view_data.xml
-Dmap.file=C:/workspace/ViewMigration/data/view_data_map.xml -DoperationType=IMPORT -DobjectType=VIEW -Dname=ALL -Duser=weblogic
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