Tuesday, 20 March 2018
Oracle BPM 10g to 12c Migration - Quick Note
Migration path for Oracle BPM 10g projects to 12c has been introduced in Oracle BPM Suite 12c (12.1.3) bu Oracle which was not available in 11g and there was little to no support for BPM 10g projects to be migrated to Oracle BPM 11g version.
Below is the high level steps to follow to migrate Oracle BPM 10g project to 12c migration -
1) execute ant based migration script
Once the ANT task execution completes successfully, it creates the Oracle BPM 12c project export in the target folder which contains following -
• The exported version of the 12c project (.exp).
• The migration report (.xml) and its stylesheet (.xsl). Best when viewed via a browser.
• The 10g project artifacts list (.csv).
• The folder with 12c project SOA components.
2) Import the 12c project into JDeveloper
Create a BPM Application and Import BPM Project created by migration script. The table below enlists the 10g artifacts and its corresponding 12c artifacts –
Oracle BPM 10g project artifacts Oracle BPM 12c project artifacts
Organization Organization
Process Process
Screenflow Synchronous Process
Process and Screenflow Begin/End Process Begin/End
Swim Lanes Role Lanes
Argument Mappings Data Associations
Transitions Sequence Flows
Conditional Transitions Exclusive Gateways
Global Creation Interactive Initiator
Process Instance Variable Process Data Object
Automatics Script Activity
FBL code Groovy code
The above list is not exhaustive, but enlists the major components. It should be noted that 10g and 12c is very different and not all 10g project artifacts can be migrated to 12c project artifacts by the script, such as -
• Groups and Participants in Organization
• Web Resources which includes JSP, CSS, JS files what uses Fuego Tag Libs
• Process Global Interactive
• Out-of-the-box Modules (Fuego and Plumtree) and some developer created Modules.
• BPM Object - Group type.
• BPM Object - Presentations.
• Predefined Variables, for example result, action, description etc.
The above mentioned features needs to be built from scratch in the 12c project.
The magnitude of effort depends on the features used in the 10g project implementation. If the 10g project uses none or minimum features that cannot be migrated by script, the overall project migration would require relatedly less time and effort.
Wednesday, 28 February 2018
Generate BPM process audit through API
package com.poc.bpm.task;
import com.poc.WfAudit;
import com.poc.ProcessUtils;
import java.io.IOException;
import oracle.bpm.services.instancequery.IAuditConstants;
import oracle.bpm.collections.Sequence;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import oracle.bpel.services.bpm.common.IBPMContext;
import oracle.bpel.services.workflow.IWorkflowConstants;
import oracle.bpel.services.workflow.WorkflowException;
import oracle.bpel.services.workflow.query.ITaskQueryService;
import oracle.bpel.services.workflow.repos.Ordering;
import oracle.bpel.services.workflow.repos.Predicate;
import oracle.bpel.services.workflow.repos.TableConstants;
import oracle.bpel.services.workflow.task.ITaskAssignee;
import oracle.bpel.services.workflow.task.ITaskService;
import oracle.bpel.services.workflow.task.impl.TaskAssignee;
import oracle.bpel.services.workflow.task.model.Task;
import oracle.bpm.project.model.processes.Activity;
import oracle.bpm.project.model.processes.SendTask;
import oracle.bpm.project.model.processes.conversation.Conversation;
import oracle.bpm.project.model.processes.conversation.ProcessCallConversationDefinition;
import oracle.bpm.services.instancemanagement.model.IProcessInstance;
import oracle.bpm.services.instancequery.IAuditInstance;
import oracle.bpm.services.instancequery.IColumnConstants;
import oracle.bpm.services.instancequery.IInstanceQueryInput;
import oracle.bpm.services.instancequery.IInstanceQueryService;
import oracle.bpm.services.instancequery.impl.InstanceQueryInput;
import oracle.bpm.services.internal.processmodel.model.IProcessModelPackage;
import oracle.bpm.services.processmetadata.ProcessMetadataSummary;
import oracle.bpel.services.workflow.repos.Column;
import oracle.bpm.services.common.exception.BPMException;
public class AuditServiceClient {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger("oracle.soa.Logger");
private ProcessUtils _processUtils;
private static final String AUDIT = "AUDIT";
private static final String COMPLETE = "COMPLETE";
private static final String TASKNUMBER = "TASKNUMBER";
private static final String TITLE = "TITLE";
private static final String PRIORITY = "PRIORITY";
private static final String STATE = "STATE";
private static final String ENDDATE = "ENDDATE";
IBPMContext ctx = null;
public AuditServiceClient(String adminUser, String adminPassword, String host, String port) { //
try {
_processUtils = new ProcessUtils(ProcessUtils.getServiceClientFactory(host, port));
ctx =
(IBPMContext) _processUtils.getWorkflowServiceClient().getTaskQueryService().authenticate(adminUser,
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "\r\ne: " + e.getMessage());
public static void main(String[] argv) {
AuditServiceClient c = new AuditServiceClient("weblogic", "password1$", "localhost", "7001");
long startTm = System.currentTimeMillis();
List<WfAudit> auditTrail = c.getAuditEntries("2d520f16-0665-4d8a-b9c3-4fe0f71595b6-0001930e");
long endTm = System.currentTimeMillis();
for(WfAudit a : auditTrail){
//List<WfAudit> auditTrail = c.prepareInstanceAudit("140010");//30002, ,140010
public List<WfAudit> getAuditEntries(String workItemId) {
List<WfAudit> auditTrail = null;
String instanceId = this.getInstanceId(workItemId);
auditTrail = this.prepareInstanceAudit(instanceId);
auditTrail.sort(Comparator.comparing(o -> o.getDt()));
}catch(Exception ex){
return auditTrail;
private String getInstanceId(String ecid) throws Exception {
List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
Ordering ordering = new Ordering(IColumnConstants.PROCESS_INSTANCEID_COLUMN, true, true);
Predicate pred = new Predicate(IColumnConstants.PROCESS_ECID_COLUMN, Predicate.OP_EQ, ecid);
IInstanceQueryInput input = new InstanceQueryInput();
List<IProcessInstance> instances =
.queryProcessInstances(ctx, columns, pred,ordering, input);
return instances.get(0).getSystemAttributes().getProcessInstanceId();
return null;
private List<WfAudit> prepareInstanceAudit(String instanceId) {
List<WfAudit> auditTrail = new ArrayList<>();
try {
List<IAuditInstance> auditInstances =
for (IAuditInstance audit : auditInstances) {
WfAudit a = new WfAudit();
if (audit.getActivityName().equals("SEND_TASK") && audit.getAuditInstanceType().equals("START")) {
String invokedProcessName = getInvokedProcess(audit.getActivityId(),audit.getProcessName());
searchInstance(invokedProcessName,audit.getFlowId(), auditTrail);
} catch (Exception we) {
return auditTrail;
private String getInvokedProcess(String activityId, String processName) throws Exception {
ProcessMetadataSummary metadata =
_processUtils.getMetadataForProcess(ctx, processName, null); //TODO: "1.2"
IProcessModelPackage p = _processUtils.getBPMServiceClient().getProcessModelService().getProcessModel(ctx, metadata.getCompositeDN(), processName);
Iterator<Activity> it = p.getProcessModel().getActivities().iterator();
Sequence<Conversation> conversations = p.getProcessModel().getConversations();
Activity act = it.next();
SendTask sendTask = act.as(SendTask.class);
for(Conversation conv : conversations){
ProcessCallConversationDefinition pcallConvDef = (ProcessCallConversationDefinition)conv.getConversationDefinition();
return pcallConvDef.getProcessRef().getName();
return null;
private void searchInstance(String processName,long flowId, List<WfAudit> auditTrail) throws Exception {
String expression = IAuditConstants.COLUMN_COMPONENTNAME + " like '%"+processName +"%'";// and "+IAuditConstants.COLUMN_QUERYID +" = "+flowId;
List<IAuditInstance> auditInstances =
_processUtils.getBPMServiceClient().getInstanceQueryService().queryAuditInstances(ctx, expression);
for (IAuditInstance audit : auditInstances) {
if (audit.getFlowId()==flowId){
WfAudit a = new WfAudit();
else if ("SEND_TASK".equals(audit.getActivityName()) && "START".equals(audit.getAuditInstanceType())){
String invokedProcessName = getInvokedProcess(audit.getActivityId(),audit.getProcessName());
searchInstance(invokedProcessName,audit.getFlowId(), auditTrail);
Using Credential Store to store the UserId/password
While using Oracle BPM APIs in a project, quite often most of us come access the requirement of storing the BPM Administrator user's credential to be used to create the BPMContext. One of most commonly used technique is to store the username and password in a properties file. For security reasons, the password is encrypted before storing in the properties file. This addresses the purpose in most of the cases.
In some of my recent engagements I faced challenge with this approach as SOA Infrastructure Team (Managed by Client) said that they would not handover the BPM Administrator user credential to the Application Team to store it at the application side. They also often change the password of the BPM Administrator user, which would require higher co-ordination in case it is stored at the application side ( may be in a properties file).
The solution for this scenario was using WebLogic Credential Store. We created a credential map through Enterprise Manager, where SOA Infrastructure Team is going to key in the BPM Administrator user name and password. As and when they change the password of the user, it is upto them to login to EM and update the password in the Credential Store. We will programmatically access the username and password from this Credential Store.
Step 1 - Create Credential Store
a. Log on to Enterprise Manager.
b. Go to Weblogic Domain>>Security>>Credentials
c. Create
a map and a key within the map –
the map and the key name. In the code we will refer to this map and key to
retrieve the username and password.
Step 2 - Edit system-jazn-data.xml file
Open <MW_HOME>\user_projects\domains\<DOMAIN
Scroll to the end of file, add the following block
within <jazn-policy></jazn-policy>
Replace { mapName } and {keyname} with the one
that you have configured in step 2
Step 3 - Set BpelcClasspath property
a. Login to Enterprise Manager
b. Goto
SOA Infrastructure > SOA Administrator > BPMN properties
c. Goto
“More BPMN Configuration Properties...”
d. set the BpelcClasspath property value to
Step 4 - Edit WebLogic.policy file
a. Open /wlserver/server/lib/weblogic.policy
grant codeBase
"context=SYSTEM,mapName={mapName},keyName={keyName}", "read";
Step 5 - Restart the server ( admin and managed servers)
Create a java project and add “BC4J Securities library” in the class path.
Create a class CredentialStorePoc as follows -
java.security.PrivilegedActionException;import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;
import oracle.security.jps.JpsException;
import oracle.security.jps.service.JpsServiceLocator;
import oracle.security.jps.service.ServiceLocator;
import oracle.security.jps.service.credstore.PasswordCredential;
import oracle.security.jps.service.credstore.CredentialStore;
public class
CredentialStorePoc {
public CredentialStorePoc() {
private static PasswordCredential
_getCredentials(String map, String key) throws JpsException {
ServiceLocator locator =
JpsServiceLocator.getServiceLocator();CredentialStore credentialStore = JpsServiceLocator.getServiceLocator().lookup(CredentialStore.class);
return (PasswordCredential) credentialStore.getCredential(map, key);
public static String getCredentials(final
String map, final String key) {
PasswordCredential credentials;PrivilegedExceptionAction<PasswordCredential> action = new
PrivilegedExceptionAction<PasswordCredential>() {
public PasswordCredential run() throws JpsException {
return _getCredentials(map, key);
try {
credentials =
AccessController.doPrivileged(action);} catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
System.out.println(credentials.getPassword());return credentials.getName();
Promoting Views/Flex Fields defined using workspace in lower environment to higher environment
Often we use views and protected flex fields in a BPM project. These are one of those few artifacts that resides outside of your main source code (BPM Application and BPM project in your jdeveloper). During development the BPM developers login to bpm workspace running on their local bpm runtime (most cases a local compact bpm domain or bpm domain on integrated weblogic ).
So the question is, how we promote these configuration to another environment. Certainly manually making the same changes in the each of the higher environment is erroneous and thus ruled out. The suggested option is to export the configuration from local environment into XML files, store it in the source control system and deploy through script to other environment. the step are illustrated as below -
Flex fields and Views
Login to the server from
which you want to export.
> cd
> set ANT_HOME=<Your
> set
Flex fields
ant -v -f
ant-t2p-worklist.xml -Dbea.home={ MW_HOME } -Dsoa.home={ MW_HOME/soa }
-Dsoa.hostname={hostname} -Dsoa.rmi.port={port} -Dsoa.admin.user={admin user
name}-Dsoa.admin.password={admin password} -Drealm=jazn.com -Dmigration.file={full
path with filename to store generated flex_data.xml}
-Dmap.file=={full path with filename to
store generated flex_data_map.xml } -DoperationType=EXPORT
-DobjectType=TASK_PAYLOAD_FLEX_FIELD_MAPPING -Dname=ALL -Duser={bpm admin user}
Parameters -
-Dsoa.hostname=Server ip/name
-Dsoa.rmi.port=Server port
-Dsoa.admin.user=admin user
user p
-Dmigration.file=file in
which the data will be exported
-Dmap.file=File in which mapping data will be exported
Example -
ant -v -f ant-t2p-worklist.xml
-Dsoa.home=C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/soa -Dsoa.hostname=localhost
-Dsoa.rmi.port=7001 -Dsoa.admin.user=weblogic -Dsoa.admin.password=password1$
-Drealm=jazn.com -Dmigration.file=C:/workspace/ViewMigration/data/flex_data.xml
-Duser=weblogic -DgrantPermission=true
export Views
ant -v -f
ant-t2p-worklist.xml -Dbea.home={ MW_HOME } -Dsoa.home={ MW_HOME/soa }
-Dsoa.hostname={hostname} -Dsoa.rmi.port={port} -Dsoa.admin.user={admin user
name}-Dsoa.admin.password={admin password} -Drealm=jazn.com -Dmigration.file={full
path with filename to store generated view_data.xml}
-Dmap.file=={full path with filename to
store generated view_data_map.xml } -DoperationType=EXPORT -DobjectType= VIEW
-Dname=ALL -Duser={bpm admin user} -DgrantPermission=true -DmigrateAttributeLabel=true
Parameters -
Most of the parameters
remains same as Export Flex Fields
Example –
ant -f ant-t2p-worklist.xml
-Dbea.home=C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home -Dsoa.home=C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/soa
-Dsoa.hostname=localhost -Dsoa.rmi.port=7001 -Dsoa.admin.user=weblogic
-Dsoa.admin.password=password1$ -Drealm=jazn.com
-DoperationType=EXPORT -DobjectType=VIEW -Dname=ALL -Duser=weblogic
Flex fields and Views
Login to the server in which
you want to import.
> cd
> set ANT_HOME=<Your Path>\apache-ant-1.10.1
> set
Flex fields
ant -v -f
ant-t2p-worklist.xml -Dbea.home={ MW_HOME } -Dsoa.home={ MW_HOME/soa }
-Dsoa.hostname={hostname} -Dsoa.rmi.port={port} -Dsoa.admin.user={admin user
name}-Dsoa.admin.password={admin password} -Drealm=jazn.com -Dmigration.file={full
path with filename of flex_data.xml}
-Dmap.file=={full path with filename of flex_data_map.xml } -DoperationType=IMPORT
-DobjectType=TASK_PAYLOAD_FLEX_FIELD_MAPPING -Dname=ALL -Duser={bpm admin user}
Parameters -
-Dsoa.hostname=Server ip/name
-Dsoa.rmi.port=Server port
-Dsoa.admin.user=admin user
user p
-Dmigration.file=file from which
data will be imported
-Dmap.file=File from which mapping data will be imported
Example –
ant -v -f
ant-t2p-worklist.xml -Dbea.home=C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home
-Dsoa.home=C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/soa -Dsoa.hostname=localhost
-Dsoa.rmi.port=9001 -Dsoa.admin.user=weblogic -Dsoa.admin.password=password1$
-Drealm=jazn.com -Dmigration.file=C:/workspace/ViewMigration/data/flex_data.xml
-Dmap.file=C:/workspace/ViewMigration/data/flex_data_map.xml -DoperationType=IMPORT -DobjectType=TASK_PAYLOAD_FLEX_FIELD_MAPPING
-Dname=ALL -Duser=weblogic -DgrantPermission=true -DmigrateAttributeLabel=true
ant -v -f
ant-t2p-worklist.xml -Dbea.home={ MW_HOME } -Dsoa.home={ MW_HOME/soa } -Dsoa.hostname={hostname}
-Dsoa.rmi.port={port} -Dsoa.admin.user={admin user name}-Dsoa.admin.password={admin
password} -Drealm=jazn.com -Dmigration.file={full path with filename of view_data.xml} -Dmap.file=={full path with
filename of view_data_map..xml } -DoperationType=IMPORT
-DobjectType= VIEW -Dname=ALL -Duser={bpm admin user}
Parameters -
Most of the parameters
remains same as above except
ant -f ant-t2p-worklist.xml
-Dsoa.home=C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/soa -Dsoa.hostname=localhost
-Dsoa.rmi.port=9001 -Dsoa.admin.user=weblogic -Dsoa.admin.password=password1$
-Drealm=jazn.com -Dmigration.file=C:/workspace/ViewMigration/data/view_data.xml
-Dmap.file=C:/workspace/ViewMigration/data/view_data_map.xml -DoperationType=IMPORT -DobjectType=VIEW -Dname=ALL -Duser=weblogic
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